Here are two excellent videos by Turkey.Home and Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Both videos are magnificent and remind everyone what they are missing out on by keeping away from serene and picturesque treasure destinations along the Turkish coastline.
While some have chosen the Greek islands for gulet cruises, it is good to know that private gulet charters are cheaper overall whether 5, 4, 3 or 2-star standard when your route is in Turkey. This is not only because of the gulet prices, but also there are no Greek island fees to pay. The Turkish municipal ports are always included in the gulet charter prices.
During this past season, from one charter group who boarded in Rhodes, one guest from the group remarked on their choice in ports. When they arrived in the town of Bozburun for customs clearance, the one guest said “I can’t believe we booked it from Rhodes. It is so much more beautiful on this side.”
I guess this is what she was referring to:
In this beautiful nature and bays, why not explore the beauties in Turkey! We hope that you will consider Turkey for a blue cruise vacation at soon.